Apurimac Adventures Peru https://www.apurimacadventures.com/ Peru Tours, Machu Picchu, Choquequirao Hiking Mon, 06 May 2024 19:24:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 When is the ideal month to visit Machu Picchu in Peru? https://www.apurimacadventures.com/when-is-the-ideal-month-to-visit-machu-picchu-in-peru/ Mon, 06 May 2024 19:24:51 +0000 https://www.apurimacadventures.com/?p=2487 Machu Picchu, the iconic ancient Incan citadel nestled high in the Andes Mountains of Peru, is a bucket-list destination for travelers worldwide. Its breathtaking beauty, mysterious history, and awe-inspiring architecture draw millions of visitors each year. However, choosing the right time to visit can greatly enhance your experience. In this guide, we’ll explore the ideal […]

The post When is the ideal month to visit Machu Picchu in Peru? appeared first on Apurimac Adventures Peru.

Machu Picchu, the iconic ancient Incan citadel nestled high in the Andes Mountains of Peru, is a bucket-list destination for travelers worldwide. Its breathtaking beauty, mysterious history, and awe-inspiring architecture draw millions of visitors each year. However, choosing the right time to visit can greatly enhance your experience. In this guide, we’ll explore the ideal month to visit Machu Picchu in Peru, considering factors such as weather, crowds, and special events.

Machu Picchu - Cusco

Understanding Machu Picchu’s Climate

Before diving into the best time to visit Machu Picchu, it’s essential to understand the region’s climate. Machu Picchu experiences two primary seasons: the dry season (May to October) and the wet season (November to April). The dry season typically offers clear skies and sunny days, making it the most popular time for tourists. In contrast, the wet season brings frequent rain showers and higher humidity levels, but it also offers lush, green landscapes.

The Best Month to Visit Machu Picchu

While Machu Picchu is open to visitors year-round, certain months offer distinct advantages depending on your preferences and priorities. Here’s a breakdown of the best months to visit Machu Picchu:

  1. May: Many travelers consider May the ideal month to visit Machu Picchu. It marks the transition from the rainy season to the dry season, offering a balance of clear skies and lush vegetation. Additionally, May is less crowded compared to the peak tourist months of June to August.
  2. September: Another excellent month to visit Machu Picchu is September. As the dry season progresses, September provides pleasant weather with fewer tourists than the preceding months. Travelers can enjoy the stunning landscapes without battling large crowds.
  3. October: October is characterized by mild temperatures and minimal rainfall, making it an optimal time to explore Machu Picchu. The weather remains favorable, and the crowds begin to thin out as the high season comes to an end. Plus, October offers beautiful blooming flowers and vibrant vegetation.
  4. November to April: While the wet season may deter some travelers, visiting Machu Picchu from November to April has its advantages. The landscape transforms into a lush green paradise, and the rainfall typically occurs in short bursts, allowing for periods of clear skies between showers. Additionally, fewer tourists visit during this time, offering a more intimate experience.
with clients at machu picchu

with clients at machu picchu

Tips for Visiting Machu Picchu

Regardless of the month you choose to visit Machu Picchu, here are some essential tips to enhance your experience:

  • Book in Advance: Machu Picchu has a daily visitor limit, so it’s crucial to book your entrance tickets and any additional permits well in advance, especially during the high season.
  • Consider Alternative Routes: In addition to the classic Inca Trail, consider alternative trekking routes such as the Salkantay Trek or the Lares Trek, which offer breathtaking scenery and fewer crowds.
  • Acclimate to Altitude: Machu Picchu sits at an altitude of over 7,000 feet (2,400 meters), so it’s essential to acclimate to the altitude to avoid altitude sickness. Spend a few days in Cusco or the Sacred Valley before your visit.
  • Pack Accordingly: Regardless of the season, be prepared for changing weather conditions. Pack layers, a waterproof jacket, sturdy hiking shoes, sunscreen, insect repellent, and plenty of water.


In conclusion, the ideal month to visit Machu Picchu in Peru depends on your preferences and priorities. Whether you prefer clear skies and smaller crowds during the dry season or lush landscapes and fewer tourists during the wet season, Machu Picchu offers something for every traveler year-round. By considering factors such as weather, crowds, and special events, you can plan the perfect Machu Picchu adventure that suits your needs. So, pack your bags, embark on your journey, and prepare to be mesmerized by the awe-inspiring beauty of Machu Picchu.

The post When is the ideal month to visit Machu Picchu in Peru? appeared first on Apurimac Adventures Peru.

Planning Your Perfect Peru Adventure: A Practical Guide to Choosing Guided Tours https://www.apurimacadventures.com/planning-your-perfect-peru-adventure-a-practical-guide-to-choosing-guided-tours/ Wed, 24 Apr 2024 03:48:20 +0000 https://www.apurimacadventures.com/?p=2476 Embarking on a trip to Peru is a dream for many travelers, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. However, planning the perfect Peru adventure can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to choosing guided tours. In this blog, we’ll provide you with a simple guide to help you navigate the process of […]

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Embarking on a trip to Peru is a dream for many travelers, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. However, planning the perfect Peru adventure can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to choosing guided tours. In this blog, we’ll provide you with a simple guide to help you navigate the process of selecting guided tours for your trip to Peru, ensuring an unforgettable and stress-free experience.

Why Choose Guided Tours?

Before diving into the specifics of selecting guided tours, let’s first explore why they can enhance your Peru adventure. Guided tours offer a wealth of benefits, including expert knowledge and insights from local guides, convenience in navigating unfamiliar terrain, and access to hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path destinations. Whether you’re interested in exploring ancient ruins, trekking through the Andes, or immersing yourself in indigenous cultures, guided tours can provide you with an enriching and hassle-free travel experience.

Determining Your Interests

The first step in selecting guided tours for your Peru trip is to determine your interests and preferences. Are you fascinated by ancient civilizations and archaeological sites? Do you long to trek through pristine wilderness and discover hidden Inca trails? Are you eager to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and culinary delights of Peru’s cities and villages? By clarifying your interests, you can narrow down the types of guided tours that will best suit your travel style and preferences.

Natives from Cusco representing their culture

Natives from Cusco representing their culture

Researching Tour Operators

Once you’ve identified your interests, it’s time to research tour operators that offer guided tours in Peru. Start by browsing online travel forums, review websites, and social media platforms to gather recommendations and read reviews from other travelers. Look for tour operators with a solid reputation, positive feedback from past customers, dual or multi-ligual like Juan from Apurimac Adventures and a variety of tour options to choose from. Additionally, consider factors such as tour duration, group size, and pricing to ensure that the tours align with your budget and schedule.

With client´s from Russia at Machu Picchu | Apurimac Adventuress

Reviewing Tour Itineraries

As you research tour operators, be sure to carefully review the itineraries of their guided tours. Pay close attention to the destinations and attractions included in each tour, as well as the activities, accommodations, and meals provided. Look for tours that cover the highlights of Peru while also offering unique experiences and opportunities for cultural immersion. Consider whether the pace and activities of each tour align with your interests and travel preferences, and don’t hesitate to reach out to the tour operator with any questions or concerns.

Checking Guide Qualifications

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing guided tours is the qualifications and expertise of the tour guides. Experienced and knowledgeable guides can enhance your travel experience by providing insightful commentary, answering questions, and ensuring your safety and comfort throughout the tour. Before booking a guided tour, inquire about the qualifications of the guides, including their training, certifications, and fluency in English or other languages. Look for tour operators that prioritize hiring experienced and professional guides who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and love for Peru with travelers.

Booking Your Tours

Once you’ve done your research and identified the guided tours that best suit your interests and preferences, it’s time to book your tours. Most tour operators allow you to book guided tours online through their website or by contacting their customer service team. Be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully, including cancellation policies, payment deadlines, and any additional fees or surcharges. Consider purchasing travel insurance to protect your investment in case of unexpected events or emergencies that may disrupt your travel plans.

Rainbow Mountain Peru

Rainbow Mountain Peru

Preparing for Your Adventure

With your guided tours booked, it’s time to start preparing for your Peru adventure. Make sure to pack accordingly, taking into account the climate, activities, and cultural customs of the regions you’ll be visiting. Research local customs and etiquette to ensure respectful interactions with the people you encounter along the way. Finally, don’t forget to bring a sense of curiosity, adventure, and open-mindedness as you embark on this unforgettable journey through Peru.


Planning your ideal Peru trip doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful, especially when it comes to selecting guided tours. By following the simple guide outlined above, you can confidently choose guided tours that align with your interests, preferences, and budget, ensuring an unforgettable and enriching travel experience in Peru. Whether you’re exploring ancient ruins, trekking through the Andes, or immersing yourself in indigenous cultures, guided tours offer a convenient and immersive way to discover the wonders of Peru.

The post Planning Your Perfect Peru Adventure: A Practical Guide to Choosing Guided Tours appeared first on Apurimac Adventures Peru.

Exploring Choquequirao: Unveiling the Hidden City Among the Mountains in Cusco Peru https://www.apurimacadventures.com/exploring-choquequirao-unveiling-the-hidden-city-among-the-mountains-in-cusco-peru/ Sat, 20 Apr 2024 17:59:51 +0000 https://www.apurimacadventures.com/?p=2470 Introduction Nestled deep within the rugged terrain of the Andes Mountains near Cusco, Peru, lies an archaeological marvel waiting to be discovered: Choquequirao. Often overshadowed by its famous counterpart, Machu Picchu, Choquequirao remains relatively unknown to the masses, yet it boasts an equally fascinating history and breathtaking scenery. In this blog, we embark on a […]

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Nestled deep within the rugged terrain of the Andes Mountains near Cusco, Peru, lies an archaeological marvel waiting to be discovered: Choquequirao. Often overshadowed by its famous counterpart, Machu Picchu, Choquequirao remains relatively unknown to the masses, yet it boasts an equally fascinating history and breathtaking scenery. In this blog, we embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries of Choquequirao and shed light on this hidden gem tucked away in the mountains of Cusco.

A Glimpse into the Past

Choquequirao, meaning “Cradle of Gold” in the Quechua language, is an ancient Inca site believed to have been built in the 15th century. Situated at an altitude of over 3,000 meters above sea level, the city is perched on terraced hillsides overlooking the Apurimac River valley. Its remote location and rugged terrain have preserved Choquequirao’s pristine condition, offering visitors a glimpse into the daily life and architectural prowess of the Inca civilization.

With Client´s At Choquequirao | Apurimac Adventures

With Client´s At Choquequirao | Apurimac Adventures

Archaeological Wonders

As we explore Choquequirao, we are struck by the sheer magnitude of its archaeological remains. Spread across several terraces, the city is adorned with stone structures, plazas, and agricultural terraces meticulously carved into the mountainside. The Main Plaza, surrounded by ceremonial buildings and temples, serves as the heart of the city, while the Temple of the Sun stands as a testament to the Inca’s reverence for celestial bodies.

Natural Beauty

Beyond its archaeological significance, Choquequirao is blessed with breathtaking natural beauty. Surrounded by snow-capped peaks, lush forests, and cascading waterfalls, the site offers a serene retreat amidst the rugged Andean landscape. As we wander through the terraced fields and meandering pathways, we are greeted by panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, providing a sense of tranquility and wonder.

The Journey to Choquequirao

Reaching Choquequirao is no easy feat, but the journey is part of the adventure. Trekkers must traverse rugged mountain trails, cross roaring rivers, and ascend steep inclines to reach the hidden city. However, for those willing to brave the challenge, the reward is well worth the effort. With each step, travelers are treated to breathtaking vistas, encounters with local wildlife, and a sense of accomplishment as they draw closer to their destination.

Preserving History

While Choquequirao remains relatively unknown to the masses, efforts are underway to preserve and protect this cultural treasure. Archaeologists continue to uncover new discoveries, shedding light on the city’s past and its significance in the Inca Empire. Conservation initiatives aim to safeguard Choquequirao’s fragile ecosystem and ensure that future generations can continue to marvel at its beauty and historical significance.


Choquequirao may be hidden among the mountains of Cusco, but its significance cannot be understated. As we uncover the mysteries of this ancient city, we are reminded of the ingenuity and resilience of the Inca civilization. Choquequirao stands as a testament to their architectural prowess, cultural richness, and deep connection to the natural world. As travelers, we are privileged to explore its wonders and share in its legacy, ensuring that Choquequirao remains a hidden gem waiting to be discovered for generations to come.

The post Exploring Choquequirao: Unveiling the Hidden City Among the Mountains in Cusco Peru appeared first on Apurimac Adventures Peru.

Myths & Facts – What You Should Know about the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu https://www.apurimacadventures.com/myths-facts-what-you-should-know-about-the-inca-trail-and-machu-picchu/ Wed, 10 Apr 2024 04:05:10 +0000 https://www.apurimacadventures.com/?p=2440 When it comes to iconic destinations like the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu, myths and misconceptions often abound. From mysterious legends to practical concerns, separating fact from fiction is essential for anyone planning a trip to these historic sites.

The post Myths & Facts – What You Should Know about the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu appeared first on Apurimac Adventures Peru.



When it comes to iconic destinations like the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu, myths and misconceptions often abound. From mysterious legends to practical concerns, separating fact from fiction is essential for anyone planning a trip to these historic sites. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll debunk common myths and unveil the truth about the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu, providing you with the essential knowledge you need for an unforgettable adventure.

Fact: Machu Picchu is a UNESCO World Heritage Site Contrary to popular belief, Machu Picchu is not an unknown or undiscovered ancient city. In fact, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 and is recognized as one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. Its designation as a World Heritage Site highlights its cultural and historical significance, as well as the need for preservation and protection.

Machu Picchu Amazing -Apurimac adventures

Machu Picchu Amazing -Apurimac adventures

Myth: The Inca Trail is only for experienced hikers

Another common myth about the Inca Trail is that it’s only suitable for experienced hikers or fitness enthusiasts. While the Inca Trail is undoubtedly challenging, it is accessible to people of all fitness levels with proper preparation and guidance. In recent years, improvements to the trail, including the addition of rest stops and regulated access, have made it more accessible to a wider range of trekkers.

Short inca Trail 2 days

Short inca Trail 2 days

Fact: The Inca Trail offers breathtaking scenery and cultural immersion

One of the greatest rewards of trekking the Inca Trail is the opportunity to experience the stunning beauty of the Andean landscape and immerse yourself in Inca history and culture. Along the way, you’ll encounter breathtaking mountain vistas, lush cloud forests, and ancient ruins nestled amidst the peaks. Guided tours provide invaluable insights into Inca civilization, enhancing your understanding and appreciation of the sites you visit.

Myth: Machu Picchu is overcrowded and touristy

While it’s true that Machu Picchu is a popular tourist destination, the perception of it being overcrowded and touristy is not entirely accurate. Visitor numbers to Machu Picchu are regulated through timed entry tickets and daily quotas, helping to manage crowds and preserve the site’s integrity. Additionally, there are alternative trekking routes and lesser-known archaeological sites in the region that offer a more tranquil and off-the-beaten-path experience for those seeking solitude and authenticity.

With client´s from United States at Machu Picchu | Apurimac Adventuress

With client´s from United States at Machu Picchu | Apurimac Adventuress

Fact: Machu Picchu is a sacred and spiritual place

Beyond its archaeological significance, Machu Picchu holds deep spiritual and cultural significance for the indigenous Quechua people of Peru. Known as the “Lost City of the Incas,” Machu Picchu is believed to have served as a sacred pilgrimage site and astronomical observatory for the Inca civilization. Today, it continues to inspire awe and reverence among visitors who are drawn to its mystical beauty and ancient mysteries.

Myth: Machu Picchu was built by aliens or a lost civilization

One of the most enduring myths surrounding Machu Picchu is that it was built by aliens or a lost civilization due to its remarkable architecture and remote location. In reality, Machu Picchu was constructed by the Inca civilization around the 15th century, under the leadership of Emperor Pachacuti (Pachacútec). The site served as a royal estate and religious sanctuary, featuring sophisticated stone masonry and engineering techniques that remain awe-inspiring to this day.


As you embark on your journey to the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction and approach these iconic sites with a sense of curiosity, respect, and appreciation. By debunking common myths and embracing the truth about the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of their cultural significance and historical importance. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or embarking on your first adventure, the allure of Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail promises an unforgettable experience that will leave a lasting impression for years to come.

The post Myths & Facts – What You Should Know about the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu appeared first on Apurimac Adventures Peru.

Exploring Peru’s Rich Cultural Heritage with Apurimac Adventures https://www.apurimacadventures.com/exploring-perus-rich-cultural-heritage-with-apurimac-adventures/ Tue, 12 Mar 2024 05:02:42 +0000 https://www.apurimacadventures.com/?p=2380 Embark on a transformative journey through Peru's rich cultural heritage with Apurimac Adventures. From the mystical ruins of Machu Picchu to the vibrant streets of Cusco, our expertly curated tours offer an immersive exploration of ancient civilizations, indigenous traditions, and culinary delights.

The post Exploring Peru’s Rich Cultural Heritage with Apurimac Adventures appeared first on Apurimac Adventures Peru.



Peru, a land of enchantment and diversity, boasts a rich cultural heritage that spans thousands of years. From the majestic peaks of the Andes to the lush Amazon rainforest, this South American gem is teeming with history, traditions, and breathtaking landscapes waiting to be explored. At the heart of Peru’s allure lies its vibrant cultural tapestry, a colorful mosaic woven from the threads of indigenous, Spanish, and African influences. And there’s no better way to experience the depth and beauty of Peru’s heritage than with Apurimac Adventures, a premier tour operator dedicated to showcasing the country’s cultural riches.

Discovering Ancient Marvels

Our journey begins in the sacred city of Cusco, once the capital of the mighty Inca Empire and now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Steeped in history and surrounded by the awe-inspiring peaks of the Andes, Cusco is a living testament to Peru’s rich cultural legacy. With Apurimac Adventures as our guide, we embark on a journey back in time, exploring ancient ruins, cobblestone streets, and ornate colonial architecture.

Our first stop is the iconic fortress of Sacsayhuaman, an architectural marvel perched high above the city. Here, massive stone walls stand as silent sentinels, bearing witness to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the Inca civilization. As we wander through the labyrinthine corridors and sun-drenched plazas of Sacsayhuaman, we can’t help but marvel at the precision with which these stones were carved and fitted together, a testament to the engineering prowess of the ancient Andean people.

From Sacsayhuaman, we make our way to the sacred valley of the Incas, a lush expanse of fertile land dotted with ancient ruins and traditional villages. With Apurimac Adventures leading the way, we explore the archaeological wonders of Pisac, Ollantaytambo, and Moray, each site offering a glimpse into the spiritual and agricultural practices of the Incas. Here, amidst terraced fields and crumbling temples, we gain a deeper appreciation for the ingenuity and resilience of this ancient civilization.

Immersing in Cultural Traditions

No exploration of Peru’s cultural heritage would be complete without experiencing its vibrant traditions and customs. With JUAN from Apurimac Adventures as our cultural guide, we dive headfirst into the bustling markets and lively festivals that define Peruvian life.

cusco street

cusco street

In the colorful streets of Cusco, we join locals and tourists alike in celebrating Inti Raymi, the festival of the sun. With its colorful processions, traditional dances, and elaborate rituals, Inti Raymi is a feast for the senses, offering a window into the spiritual beliefs and cultural practices of the Inca people. As we dance and sing alongside the crowds, we feel a deep connection to the land and its people, a connection that transcends time and space.

Exploring Indigenous Communities

Leaving the hustle and bustle of the city behind, we venture into the remote villages of the Andean highlands, where indigenous communities have preserved their traditions for centuries. With Apurimac Adventures as our guide, we immerse ourselves in the daily life of the Quechua and Aymara people, learning about their customs, rituals, and way of life.

Weaving in Chinchero

Weaving in Chinchero

In the village of Chinchero, we have the opportunity to participate in a traditional weaving workshop, where skilled artisans demonstrate the ancient art of textile production. With deft hands and keen eyes, they spin wool, dye yarn, and weave intricate patterns passed down through generations. As we try our hand at the loom, we gain a newfound appreciation for the skill and craftsmanship required to create these beautiful works of art.

Savoring Authentic Cuisine

No journey through Peru’s cultural heritage would be complete without sampling its world-renowned cuisine. With Apurimac Adventures as our culinary guide, we embark on a gastronomic adventure, sampling traditional dishes from every corner of the country.

Peruvian authentic Food on the way to Inca trail - Apurimac Adventures

Peruvian authentic Food on the way to Inca trail – Apurimac Adventures

In the coastal city of Lima, we indulge in the fresh flavors of ceviche, a beloved dish made from raw fish marinated in citrus juices and spices. At a local market, we feast on Anticuchos, skewered and grilled beef heart, a popular street food delicacy enjoyed by Peruvians of all ages. In the Andean highlands, we savor the hearty flavors of Lomo Saltado, a stir-fry of beef, onions, and tomatoes served with rice and fries, a testament to Peru’s diverse culinary heritage.


As our journey with Apurimac Adventures comes to an end, we reflect on the richness and diversity of Peru’s cultural heritage. From ancient ruins to vibrant traditions, this extraordinary country has captured our hearts and expanded our horizons. With Apurimac Adventures as our guide, we’ve experienced the magic of Machu Picchu, the splendor of Cusco, and the warmth of its people. And as we bid farewell to Peru, we carry with us memories of a journey filled with adventure, discovery, and cultural immersion, memories that will last a lifetime.

The post Exploring Peru’s Rich Cultural Heritage with Apurimac Adventures appeared first on Apurimac Adventures Peru.

A Comprehensive Guide to Trekking Tours in Cusco Valley, Peru with Apurimac Adventures https://www.apurimacadventures.com/trekking-tours-in-cusco-valley-peru/ Tue, 16 Jan 2024 05:53:37 +0000 https://www.apurimacadventures.com/?p=1840 Explore Peru's wonders with Apurimac Adventures. Trek to Machu Picchu, Rainbow Mountain, and more on expert-guided tours. Book now

The post A Comprehensive Guide to Trekking Tours in Cusco Valley, Peru with Apurimac Adventures appeared first on Apurimac Adventures Peru.


Peru, a land of ancient mysteries and breathtaking landscapes, beckons adventurers from around the globe. With JUAN from Apurimac Adventures as your guide, prepare to embark on unforgettable trekking tours that unveil the country’s most iconic and hidden wonders. From the legendary Machu Picchu to the vibrant Rainbow Mountain, each trek promises exhilarating experiences and unparalleled beauty.

Machu Picchu: The Jewel of the Andes

No journey through Peru is complete without a trek to Machu Picchu. Our expertly crafted tours offer various routes, including the classic Inca Trail, the lesser-known Salkantay Trek, and the scenic Lares Trek. Whichever path you choose, you’ll be treated to awe-inspiring views of snow-capped peaks, lush valleys, and ancient Incan ruins. Our knowledgeable guides will lead you through this UNESCO World Heritage Site, sharing fascinating insights into its history and significance.

Machu picchu by Salkantay trek

Machu picchu by Salkantay trek 

Inca Trail: Following the Footsteps of the Ancients

Traverse the legendary Inca Trail, a route steeped in history and mystery. This iconic trek takes you through diverse landscapes, from high-altitude passes to cloud forests teeming with wildlife. Along the way, you’ll encounter archaeological sites, such as Wiñay Wayna and Intipata, before reaching the awe-inspiring Sun Gate overlooking Machu Picchu. Our carefully crafted itineraries ensure a memorable journey while minimizing environmental impact through sustainable practices.

Short inca Trail 2 days

Short inca Trail 2 days

 Salkantay Trek: A Journey of Discovery

For those seeking a more off-the-beaten-path experience, the Salkantay Trek offers unparalleled adventure. Named among the top 25 treks in the world by National Geographic, this route takes you through pristine wilderness and up close to the towering peak of Salkantay Mountain. Marvel at turquoise lakes, cascading waterfalls, and remote Andean villages as you make your way to the mystical citadel of Machu Picchu.

Salkantay trek road - Apurimac adventures

Salkantay trek road – Apurimac adventures

 Lares Trek: Immersion in Andean Culture

Experience the rich cultural heritage of the Andes on the Lares Trek. This lesser-known route traverses remote mountain villages, where indigenous communities preserve age-old traditions. You’ll have the opportunity to interact with locals, learn about traditional weaving techniques, and indulge in authentic Andean cuisine. As you hike through breathtaking landscapes dotted with alpine lakes and terraced fields, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the vibrant tapestry of Peruvian culture.with client´s at Lares trek

 Rainbow Mountain: A Technicolor Wonderland

Prepare to be dazzled by the natural wonders of Rainbow Mountain, one of Peru’s best-kept secrets. Our guided tours take you off the beaten path to this surreal landscape, where vivid hues of red, orange, yellow, and green paint the mountainside. Trek through high-altitude terrain, surrounded by herds of alpacas and llamas, until you reach the summit for panoramic views of the Andes. With Apurimac Adventures, you’ll witness nature’s masterpiece up close and personal.

Rainbow Mountain Peru

Rainbow Mountain Peru


Embark on a journey of a lifetime with Apurimac Adventures and unlock the treasures of Peru’s most iconic destinations. Whether you’re tracing the footsteps of the ancient Incas along the Inca Trail, venturing into the pristine wilderness of the Salkantay Trek, immersing yourself in Andean culture on the Lares Trek, or marveling at the technicolor splendor of Rainbow Mountain, our expertly guided tours promise unforgettable experiences and memories to last a lifetime. Book your adventure today and discover the magic of Peru with us.

The post A Comprehensive Guide to Trekking Tours in Cusco Valley, Peru with Apurimac Adventures appeared first on Apurimac Adventures Peru.
